Copyright Infringement

We take seriously any copyright violations done by any user. If you believe your copyright has been infringed, you may request that the content be removed from Procoverstock.

Whenever we find someone committing copyright infringement we contact them if needed and inform about the legal consequences derived from the misuse of our resources.

Note that any abuse of this form may result in the termination of your Customer or Contributor account, if applicable.

Please submit a notice to us via our online form and send any possible evidences and we will investigate the issue and take the necessary actions.

Please keep in mind the following requirements:
•    To submit a Copyright Infringement Notice, you must be the copyright holder or the legal representative of the person being infringed.
•    You must identify the work being infringed (Product ID or Product Title);
•    Provide link to original work;
•    Provide description of infringement;
•    Provide complete contact information for yourself (full name, physical and email address).
•    Confirm that you have a good faith belief that the reported content is not authorized by the copyright holder. Declare that the information in the notice is accurate.

Please note: Procoverstock may not process your report if you fail to provide the requested information above.